Rotterdam Delivers Relief
By taking matters into their own hands in the new normal, the City of Rotterdam’s government officials decided to use Mendix low-code to deliver tools that help more than 600,000 citizens find urgent health assistance whilst providing health authorities with actionable and immediate data in order to flatten the curve of Covid-19 viral spreads. Erik van der Steen, Rotterdam’s RAD (Rapid App Development) Coordinator led his team with implementations of custom Mendix-made applications to stabilise Rotterdam’s city services. By doing so, the government of Rotterdam managed to support entrepreneurs and citizens with cash assistance through the creation of their RBZ Portal application, which digitized end-to-end financial assistance processes. With the Mendix platform, Rotterdam’s RAD team worked at an impressive speed and successfully built the RBZ Portal in just under two weeks. The RBZ Portal app also helped support Rotterdam’s municipal health service to keep track of patient recordings to combat the spread of Covid-19.